Even if the immediate health risk is small, bonfires add to the general background level of air pollution. 即使在短时间内没有很大的健康风险,篝火产生的污染也会增加大环境下的空气污染程度。
Meanwhile in HUVEC cells, SP-Tat-Apoptin remained in the cytoplasm and no induction of apoptosis above the background level was observed. 同时,在HUVEC细胞中,SP-Tat-Apoptin仍停留在胞质中,没有观察到高于基础水平的凋亡被诱导。
The documentary trend of Lin Yutang s "The Biography of Su Dongpo" epitomized in the documentary lacking of background level and event level. 林语堂《苏东坡传》的文献取向主要表现为背景层与本事层文献的缺项。
This paper completely introduces the investigation of environmental radioactive background level before the commissioning of power plant and environment monitoring system of power plant. 文中较全面地介绍了电站运行前的环境放射性本底水平调查和电站的环境监测系统。
Observational dynamic range of station reflects performance of observational instrument and background level of environment disturbance of station base, and effective dynamic range shows the maximal capacity recording seismic signals. 台站的观测动态范围,反映了观测仪器本身的性能和台基环境干扰背景的水平,有效动态范围大小反映记录地震信号的最大能力。
Traditional method of indoor RCS measurement is the single frequency ( CW) method. For low backscattering target measurement, a cancelling system is introduced in the testing system to get more accurate result, which reduced more than 20 dB of chamber background level. 传统的微波暗室远场雷达散射截面积(RCS)测量方法是采用点频测试,对低RCS目标,测试系统中需添置对消系统,使暗室背景再下降20dB以上,才能更准确地检测目标。
It can monitor and record the electrical field signal and background level on site. 可对现场的电信号及背景进行监测和记录。
The monitoring results show that no noticeable changes have been observed, Ambient γ radiation level remains at the background level basically, after 10 years operation. KRS系统大量的监测数据及统计分析表明:大亚湾核电站运行十年来,周围环境γ辐射水平基本保持在运行前天然本底的辐射水平,未见有显著性变化。
The distribution feature of background level of paramagnetic materials in enamels of healthy adults aged 18~ 41 and the difference of their radiation sensitivity were studied by electron spin resonance ( ESR) techniques. 用电子自旋共振(ESR)技术研究了健康成年人牙釉质中顺磁物质本底水平分布特性及其辐射敏感性。
Results indicate that the contents of naturally occurring radionuclides in subterranean crops in Lanzhou area have been approximated to the background level. 结果表明:兰州地区块根、块茎类地下作物中天然放射性核素的含量属于本底水平。
Most of heavy metals do not exceed the natural background level except Cd and Pb in sediments and Cu, Cd, Hg in soils. 土壤和沉积物中多数重金属元素尚未超过自然背景值,只有沉积物中Cd和Pb,土壤中的Cu、Cd和Hg超过。
A Study on the Selenium Background Level in the Soils in Guizhou 贵州省土壤硒的背景值研究
This report described the determination of the background level of nine elements ( Cu, Zn, Ni, Pb, Cd, As, Hg, Cr and F) in rice and wheat in south and north rice regions of Jiangsu Province of China. 本文对江苏省南北稻区主要粮食作物稻米和小麦中铜、锌、镍、铅、镉、砷、铬、汞、氟等九种元素进行调查和测定。
The content of 6 kinds of heavy metal elements in vegetables is higher than the background level of vegetables. 本文研究了宝山区菜区蔬菜重金属污染的特点,结果如下:菜区蔬菜六种重金属元素含量一般比背景水平高,蔬菜吸收重金属的能力为:叶菜类>根茎类>茄果类。
The contents of heavy metals such as Cu, Cd, Pb and Zn are more greatly than the background level of Shanghai agricultural soils, and JENSEN pollution evaluation value for sediments. 它所含有的重金属Cu,Cd,Ph,Zn的含量均大为超过上海市农业土壤背景值和JENSEN底泥污染评价值。
In the experiment, the neutron background level has been studied by using uranium fission chambers and the method of shielding. 实验上采用屏蔽法,用了铀裂变电离室。
Estimation of natural radiation background level and population dose in China 中国天然辐射本底水平和居民剂量估算
The radio-activities in the urine, bile and feces reached to the background level at 120 hours after administration. 染毒后120h,尿、粪、胆汁中放射活性接近本底。
Investigation and study of the background level of rare earth elements in Henan province's soils 河南省土壤中稀土元素背景值的调查研究
Determination of the Background Level of Children's Salivary Lysozyme in Shantou Special Economic Zone 汕头特区儿童唾液溶菌酶背景值测定
The continues time of increasing is about 6~ 12 months and evolution process can be divided into two styles: A. Background level → increasing → tranquil → eruption; 地震活动增强持续时间约为6~12个月,其演化过程大致可划分为两种类型:A:背景→增强→平静→发震;
A survey of the background level about uranium, thorium and radium in drinking water and food in Shanghai area 上海地区饮水和食品中铀、钍、镭本底水平的调查
The result showed that the average natural penetrating radiation dose rates for outdoor and indoor were ( 12.26 ± 1.29)× 10-8 and ( 8.88 ± 0.98)× 10-8 Gy/ h respectively, which belong to normal background level. 调查结果表明,上海市天然贯穿辐射剂量率室内、外平均值分别为(12.26±1.29)×10~(-8)和(8.88±0.98)×10~(-8)Gy/h,属正常本底水平。
The content test and background level of some environmental elements in unpolished rice and wheat grain of Shanghai region 上海地区糙米和麦粒中若干环境元素含量检验及背景水平
This research has been done for the background level of soil nutrients in degenerative mountains by fetching soils samples in field, fertilizing soil in degenerative mountains and pot experiment. 本文以河北省退化山场土壤为研究对象,采用退化山场野外取土和人工爆破新成土壤的盆栽试验等方法,研究退化山场土壤养分本底值以及退化山场土壤的培肥机理;
A study of the allowable limit of selenium in foods& a survey of the background level of selenium in foods in the Chengdu Area 食品中硒允许限量研究&成都市市售粮食、蔬菜和动物性食品中硒含量本底值
This means that the larger the change of Coulomb stress on the neighboring faults, the more time needed for their seismicity to return to the background level. 应力扰动值大的区域,其地震活动率恢复至背景水平所需要的时间也长。
Fourth, the proposed feasibility and limits to supply and demand contradiction and Shanghai as the background level of comprehensive development. In accordance with the differences between different models, separate discussion. 其四,对建议的可行性及限度,以供需矛盾及上海综合发展水平为背景,依照不同模式之间的差异,分别进行的讨论。
FLZ can effectively inhibit the activity of tumor cells, but has little toxicity to normal liver cells, which may be associated with lower background level of ROS in normal cells. FLZ能够有效地抑制肿瘤细胞的活性,但对正常肝细胞的毒性很小,这可能与正常细胞内低本底ROS水平有关。
The lean production system can be divided into three levels: the background level ( the target, policy and the implementation basis of lean production), the pillar level ( lean production logistics and information flow) and the middle level ( lean production-related techniques). 2. 精益生产体系分为三个部分:即基础层精益生产实施的目标、方针和实施的基础和保障,支柱层精益物流和精益信息流,中间层精益生产的相关手法。